Monday, January 12, 2009

Long-term results from Short Term Missions Trips- A Honduran perspective

Sometimes missions trips are rightly accused of focusing on the short-term impact at the expense of the long term results. However, I would counter by saying: Not if they are done rightly! Which if done with the caliber of leaders like Henrietta Doren, from North Way Christian Community, they do indeed have long-term results on both sides of the borders! (in the photo on the right, Corina Hinchberger is helping out with the crafts during our family outreach day)

Here are some of the results gleaned from personal interviews I held with several of the Hondurans who participated in this past summer's adventure.
  • Melvin: After having spent the week with the team from Pittsburgh and CCI AL/Honduras gave me a good idea of how to do camps, so I did one this fall which was sponsered by a Dutch organization using the International Extreme Camp here in Honduras . Here is what one of my campers said: I smoked one joint of marijuana at camp the first day. But, now, I don't need it. I am loved. I don't want to leave!
  • Benjamin: After we got back from visiting the garbage dump I started collecting clothing and money from my college friends to deliever to the garbage dump each week together with my youth group. I have even sent emails thanking my non-Christian college friends for their donations!
  • Blanca: I want to go back to the school we visited by the garbage dump and find out what their real needs are because I am planning on getting my youth group to help out Pastor Joeny with the children at the school.
  • Carlos: It was the first time I ever entertained foreigners in my home and we were positively impacted by this experience. The door is now open for others to follow.
  • Norma Canales: Although I didn't host a team this past year in 2008, I have for the previous 9 years and each family or pair of North Americans that we hosted in our small humble home left an imprint on our childrens' lives--they are now grown men--but they cherish the memories created.
  • Kenia: This experience was like a car wash for me--God got rid of so many of my fears and inhibitions. For instance, it was my first time working shoulder to shoulder with foreigners. My worldview has opened as a result. (she is pictured below with her family)
Conclusion from the entire group: It has become ever so clear that hosting short term missions teams awakens in us a greater desire, interest and actual outreach to the social needs of our fellow Hondurans, something we can become blind to. We can give from our means too!

1 comment:

Bryan McCabe said...

Great stories, Lisa. I think stories are the best kind of way to measure effectiveness. Keep up the good work!