Sunday, March 4, 2012

Creating community in camp

One of my greatest joys is leading camps. That's why it's such a blessing to be able to combine this joy with the service, Alfredo, the children, and I do for our local church, Christian Community, El Hatillo (Tegucigalpa). Each year we hold one Overnight for each Sunday School class.
Here are the results of a recently celebrated Camp-fire overnight for our Sunday School class of 11-13 year olds. We observed a particularly deep level of community developing as each girl shared a personal struggle they were going through and then the rest of the girls gave them wise advice, comfort, and support. What a delight to see them taste in a small way what heaven will be like--sweet community. How differently they acted in camp compared to Sunday School class, no cliques, just one big family!
The main teaching of the event was the "Cosmic Battle" in which we presented the timeline from Creation, to the Fall and entrance of sin into this world, to Christ's redemption, the "now and not yet" Kingdom of God, up until to Christ's Second Coming and the new heaven and earth. For the first time, they saw how the individual Bible stories they know "fit" into God's "Rescue Plan."
I invite you to enjoy the little video we presented to the congregation! (4:18 min.)

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