Saturday, April 30, 2011

"May God bless you with discomfort"

This is from a newsletter from a fellow, LAM Mexico missionary, Sally Isaias, and I find it to be very relevant since this Easter season, I have found myself avoiding pain and discomfort:

"This last Wednesday, (the beginning of Lent) I met with a young man whom I have known since he was a child. I knew he was not doing well and wanted to ask him upfront what was going on. What an intense meeting! He shared his life and convictions with me and listened intently as I shared with him what I believe the Lord says in his Word regarding his situation, giving him hope in Jesus Christ. He has chosen to believe a lie and deep down admits that he is wrong but isn´t willing to pay the price to be healed. He kept repeating: “I don´t want to suffer, I don´t want to sacrifice, I don´t want to do anything uncomfortable. I don´t want to.” In the midst of it all, we prayed and he thanked me for confronting him in love. “No one has ever done that, they just look at me and talk behind my back. Thanks for coming directly to me. I don´t agree with you, but feel that you truly care for me and are not judging me. I want to be healed, just don´t know if I am ready to pay the price” he said. It made me think of how we all shy away from suffering, sacrificing and being uncomfortable So, I have taken to heart a Franciscan prayer sent to me:

May God bless you with discomfort. Discomfort at easy answers, half truths and superficial relationships,

so that you may live deep within your heart. Amen.

May God bless you with anger. Anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people,

so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace. Amen.

May God bless you with tears. Tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war,

so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and turn their pain into joy. Amen.

May God bless you with foolishness. Enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world,

so that you can do what others claim cannot be done. Amen.

And the blessing of God who creates, redeems, and sanctifies,

be upon you and all you love and pray for this day and forever more. Amen.

What discomfort are you experiencing today that God can use for His glory?

I pray the Lord greatly enriched you this Easter season as you reflected on what Christ for you and for me on the cross.

1 comment:

Jan Fink, West Viriginia said...

Thank you for passing on this message. I can't believe how relevant it is -- we just had friends over and were discussing the passage in Ecclesiastes 7 where it says that funerals are better than parties (loose translation!) -- that, in essence, it's the difficult and sad times that make us more aware of what others go through, that make us grow in our walk with our Lord Jesus. God is so timely to send us this prayer through you.

Love in Jesus,