Thursday, November 18, 2010

What exactly is Lisa working on in her studies?

What exactly will I be studying and reading and thinking about during my last several years of PhD studies?

Glad you asked!

Here's a presentation of my research topic which is Leadership Development in Latin America, the format is a new "anti-powerpoint presentation" program called prezis.

If it feels a bit academic, press on (literally you press the forward arrow and off you go!), I invite your thoughts and comments!

Any thoughts? share them with me in observations below!

1 comment:

Rhondita said...

Hi, Lisa,

Great leadership styles to explore further in your studies.

I didn't "get" how to use prezis - wasn't sure when I was on a new "slide". the zooming feature was a little challenging to me for first-time use.

It would be helpful to have definitions of your terms, such as high/low power distance. It seemed you may have had then below the video but when I pressed the words, no definitions came up.

I've mentioned previously that I don't like terms such as high/low power distance, etc., when easier terms could be used like hierarchy (or status-attainment) vs. equality.

Formatting coments: Might be useful to use bold for all text in the charts. They were hard to read.

Looking forward to all the plans you and Henri have for next summer!

Besos y abrazos,