Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My first article published in a professional journal!

This article comes as fruit of a class I took from Jim Plueddemann on Education and Culture. He challenged the entire class to try and get our final paper published and thanks to his exhortation I submitted my article to the Common Ground Journal: Perspectives on the Church in the 21st Century.

As part of Christian Camping International/ Latin America, I have belonged to a number of multicultural teams but until this class, I never gave much thought to any of the cultural dynamics that might be at play as we worked together. This class with Jim opened my eyes to see how we may be misjudging some areas of conflict as "immaturity" or "difficult personalities" when in reality there was a strong cultural component. This article describes a bit of my journey as it explains the name of that cultural component (high and low power distance cultures or vertical / horizontal cultures) and provides some understanding as to how to maintain team harmony. I invite you to read the article below (or follow this link: http://www.commongroundjournal.org/volnum/v08n01.pdf to read it)

The abstract of the article reads:
Threats to multicultural team harmony may come from a variety of sources such as immaturity, lack of shared vision, or from a compelling task to unify everyone; but one aspect that tends to slip under the radar screen is difference in power distance. This article shows how characteristics of both high and low power distance in cultures influences team members’ concepts of what team harmony is and how it is created. The creation of a third culture, a counter-cultural temporary Christian community, can offer a multicultural team a way to suspend cultural expectations and work together.

I'd love to hear your thoughts-click on observations to share!


Betty and Jim Brown, Oklahoma said...

Hurrah for you, Lisa, getting published in a scholarly journal. I know many faculty members at OU, past and present, who had much trouble getting this recognition, which is so necessary to an academic career.
We are all proud of you -- but then, we always HAVE BEEN. Love, aunt bbb

Linda, Pittsburgh, PA said...

You are definitely to smart for me. This was way beyond my comprehension. Different strokes for different folks. Different is good what is not different is friendship so lets just keep friendship as our ingredient. Blessings, Linda

Dan Bolin, Texas said...

Thank you. Very interesting article with lots to think about for CCI. This has great value for its content but also raises the awareness of and appreciation for Christian camping in the academic community. Thanks.

Kitty Cone, PA said...

Hi Lisa,
A very interesting and insightful article! Good work.

Anonymous said...

Cancerul pulmonar trece adesea neobservat în stadiile sale timpurii. Pe măsură ce boala se dezvoltă, o tuse persistentă se dezvoltă și tuse cronică se agravează. includ dureri toracice, respirație scurtă, răgușeală, lichid sângeros apăsat din tractul respirator și atacuri frecvente de bronșită sau pneumonie. Uneori, primul a fost dureri osoase, dureri de cap, amețeli, eram atât de enervat și obosit de viața mea, până când am citit despre medicamentul pe bază de plante Dr. Itua pe blogspot chiar am crezut că este înșelătorie când l-am contactat pentru prima dată cu atât de puțin timp mă gândesc la asta și mi-am cumpărat medicamentele pe bază de plante pe care le-am luat timp de trei săptămâni și am fost vindecat în totalitate tratamentul său este atât de unic, niciodată nu am crezut că voi putea să fiu liber de cancerul pulmonar.Dar nu numai acest cancer de plămâni Acest om grozav poate vindeca, Dr. Itua mi-a spus că poate vindeca astfel de boli precum ... CANCERUL COLORECTAL, cancerul creierului, cancerul esofagian, cancerul vezicii biliare, boala trofoblastică gestațională, cancerul capului și gâtului, CANCERUL BLADDER, CANCERUL PROSTATULUI, CANCERUL RENUNCILOR, CANCERULUI LUNG, Lupus, CANCERUL PIELEI, Glaucom ., Cataracta, degenerare maculară, boală cardiovasculară, boală pulmonară. Prostă largă, osteoporoză. Boala Alzheimer, cancer ovarian, cancer sinusal, cancer de piele, sarcom de țesuturi moi, cancer de coloană vertebrală, cancer de stomac, cancer testicular, cancer de gât, cancer tiroidian, demență . CANCER UTERIN, Cancer pancreativ, LEUKEMIA, HIV / SIDA, CANCER OVARIAN, CANCER DE SÂNGE, cancer Vulvar, INFERTILITATE PENTRU BĂRBAȚI / FEMEI, Limfomă BURKITT - NON-HODGKIN.TUMORI DE BRÂNCHIAL, TUMOR DE CRAB, CANCERĂ DE BANC DE BANCĂ. Rac, HERPES VIRUS, LOVE SPELL, HEPATITIS, ARE UN MARE DOCTOR HERBAL.HERE CONTACT EMAIL ::: drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com/. WhatsApp ::: + 2348149277967