Monday, February 22, 2010

God has a plan for you too Valerie and Victor...

We are moving from the current church we have been attending since 2004 to participate in a new church plant in our neighborhood, it's a daughter church called CCI El Hatillo (which is the name of the town we live in, by the way: CCI stands for Christian Center International not Christian Camping International!)

This week, after Alfredo preached his last sermon at CCI Fellowship, our Pastor John, brought the children and me up to the front with Alfredo.

He had the elders surround us and pray for us but first he spoke a word to each of us. He thanked me for the years of service as a Sunday School teacher and he seemed to be quite surprised that tears filled my eyes. But how could they not when we have experienced an amazing sense of community, made friends for us as a couple and also for our children, and loved serving together.

Pastor John thanked Alfredo for his leadership as an elder and preacher and perhaps what blessed me the most was his words for Victor and Valerie:

"Victor and Valerie, you also have God’s call on your lives and need to know that it’s not just your parents who are called but also you as well. So, be asking the Lord: What plans do you have for me there?

V&V have been struggling greatly with this move. It is perhaps the most difficult thing Valerie has had to face in her young life, trusting God that this is for the best even though she leaves her best friends back at the other church. So, I know that the Holy Spirit will use that question to cause her to reflect. Please pray with Alfredo and I for her to learn to trust in God's direction and seek His will in the face of uncertainty.

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