Thursday, November 5, 2009

Finally they are teaching you to think in the Bible study and not just to say "Amen"!

This comment was made by the husband of one of the women who attends the weekly Bible Study I hold in our home.
We are studying "Worldview Thinking" and last week's homework was to interview three people asking the following two questions:

1.What gives your life meaning?

2. Why did God create human beings?

This husband was delighted with his wife's questions and proceeded to give her such an indepth answer that she took two pages of notes! until she could take it no longer and said: Enough, that'll be enough for my class!

As the women shared, their answers were quite fascinating. Most had interviewed their own family members and the answers were:
  • My family, my husband, my children bring meaning to my life
  • Helping my country brings me fulfillment, now more than ever Honduras needs us.
  • I have no reason for living (spoken by a friend who is struggling with depression right now)
  • God made man to be happy.
  • God made us to glorify Him.
We studied Isaiah 43:7 and John 10:10 and realized that we were made to glorify God and enjoy Him forever (Westminister Catechism). And that we strive towards that lofty goal by growing in Christlikeness (I John 3:2), since Jesus was the One who glorifies His Father without fail.

Each week brings us new discoveries and we delight in learning together. I will be gone to Chicago (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School for another class) for the next two weeks so I left them a very difficult homework assignment:
Interview an atheist.
They all looked at each other and said: Where do you find someone like that in a Catholic country like ours?
Try the universities, we concluded!

That homework will enable us to grasp an understanding of how a "secular modernist" and postmodernist would answer those same questions.

Pray for us as our worldview is being stretched and as the ladies say: Our gray matter is being exercised !

By the way, we do say AMEN at the end of our time together! :)
See me on the upper right? Just kidding! :)

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