Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Victor's perception of his mother's age.....

Valerie and Victor have been working hard this week to take their SAT (Standard Achievement Tests) and when we discussed how it was going this morning before school, Victor commented:
Gee Mom, it must have been tiring for you to take your SATs.
With a puzzled look, I asked: Why's that Victor?
In response, he made hand motions implying that when I took tests (way back then!) I had to use a feather and ink pot!

Cut me a break Victor, your mother isn't that old! Those were used last century!
To which Alfredo sheepishly replied: Ah, Lisa, excuse me, but I did learn to use those in my school when I was young!

Oops, here give me a minute to take my foot out of my mouth!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Several alert readers have pointed out, respectfully of course, that indeed I was educated in the last century! Now that really makes me feel old! :)