Friday, February 6, 2009

While Mom is away the kids are learning business sense--Selling coffee!

One day Alfredo went to his monthly Father-Son event with Victor where "the boys" learned how to change the oil of a car. Can you imagine seeing 12 pairs of shoes sticking out from under the car! What a scene!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, while Mom was in Costa Rica training trainers how to teach the Bible, Valerie was with Haidy (the babysitter) who happens to know the entire process of taking coffee beans directly from the bush to the cup!

Here is Valerie sharing with Mom on the phone: Mom, Haidy is very smart. She knows a lot. You do too, Mom. I am learning so much!
Over the next week, during each phone call the kids began to expound on their business and marketing plans.
  • Valerie: We have no more coffee bushes at our house, but where we built ropes course stuff at the camp by our house has a whole forest full of coffee plants. We can buy their coffee beans and then sell the coffee to get our money back.
  • Victor: Daddy, can you ask the computer for a good logo for our coffee... we want to call it: Haidy's Coffee (according to Victor one needs only to "ask the computer" and it will give you answers).
  • Valerie: We want to sell the little bags of coffee at the small store up the road. We will give the money to Haidy since she is the one who taught us.
  • Alfredo: The coffee, by the way, is delicious!
What a thrill it is for me to hear the daily reports of my family's adventures!

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